Foundation for Fundamental Research on MatterVan Vollenhovenlaan 659
3527 JP Utrecht
(e) info@fom.nl
(t) +31 30 600 12 11
(w) www.fom.nl
About us:
FOM research takes place at two types of location: FOM institutes and FOM workgroups at universities or research institutions. All workgroups fall under the managerial responsibility of the Administrative Unit for Research Groups at Universities (Dutch acronym BUW). For four research fields the Executive Board of FOM has appointed advisory committees. Besides advising the board, these committees play a role in monitoring the progress of current FOM programmes within their research field. FOM is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). FOM is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The current structure of the NWO organisation will be reorganized. FOM will be integrated in this new organisation.Links
Anlässlich des 70-jährigen Bestehens der niederländischen „Stichting Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie“ (FOM) ist unter dem Titel „Strings,...
Forscher des FOM-Instituts AMOLF und der TU Eindhoven haben eine Theor...
Wissenschaftler des FOM-Instituts AMOLF haben eine neuartige optische...
- FOM awards 3.3 million euros to innovative Projectruimte research projects - Fontys and DIFFER bridge gap between fundamental and practice-oriented research - Nikhef's Internet pioneer Rob Blokzijl has died - AMOLF researchers make transparent conductors by means of stamping and growing - How to give a twist to the self-assembly of nanoparticles - Proteins unfold by breaking electrical contacts - Inspecting moving surfaces with a lensless microscope