Mehr zu Espressif (179)

Von Ed!

| The Pano-Slider is a Slider with a Pano-Head. The ESP32 controls the movement of the slider and the rotation and shoots of the DSLR.

| `Twas brillig, and the slithy toves ... will be kept out of your yard with the LC32 on your fence, keep your mobile nearby for peaceful slee...

Von Wixa

| InFansCube – this is interactive, developing toy for children's from 0+ up to 13 years. Toy grows along with your child.

| Sensor alarm through web.

| Hand Held Color Sensor for fraud detection and color matching.

| Creating a TCP / IP Gateway to Serial

Von Dab

| Mobil Home Sensor , to measure data at Home light on/off , temperature , humidity, Door Bell an other

Von Digger

| Remote solar powered squirrel monitor. Engineer versus squirrel and the bird feeder. Squirrel has defeated engineer on all previous design...

| ESP32 ist das neueste Produkt von Espressif. Wie schon ESP8266 wird WLAN und jetzt zusätzlich noch Bluetooth geboten. Der ESP32-Chip hat zwe...

Von aul12

| The board should be used to enhance my smart remote with wireless capabilities.